
Disch-DeClouet Social Service Center

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Ways which you can help the Disch-DeClouet Social Service Center

Please pray for the Center, its ministry and its mission. We also ask for prayers for our clients, our volunteers and our benefactors.

If you think the Lord may be calling you to this ministry, call John Indest at (337) 369-6384 and make arrangements for a "come and see" experience, no strings attached.

Clothing, Diapers and Food Donations
“We are open Monday through Thursday.  We serve the first 25 people in line when we open the doors at 8 AM. We are able to accept donations of clothing, food, bedding, household items, diapers (for adults and children), and other items from 8 AM to 9:30 AM Monday through Thursday. If you can only donate after hours, call and leave a message and we'll work something out.

Memorial Donations
You may give a donation in the name of a deceased friend or family member, and we will send an acknowledgement to the family informing them that a gift has been received in the name of the deceased from you. We also enter their name in our memorial book and pray for them.

Gift Donations
You may give a donation in the name of someone celebrating a birthday, anniversary, Christmas, etc. We will send a congratulatory greeting to them informing them that you have given a gift in their name. We also enter their name in our gift book and pray for them.

Remembering the Center in your Will
Through the years we have received bequests, which have helped us tremendously in our ministry. These benefactors are listed in our memorial book, and we continue to pray for them.

Monthly, Quarterly or Annual Donations
Our utility, housing and other ministries require approximately $1000 a day. We could not do this without ongoing regular support. We pray for our benefactors each day at the Center.

You may wish to talk to your tax advisor about the advantages of making IRA required minimum distributions directly to a charity to avoid distribution taxes. This is information only, not legal advice.

Donations may be mailed to: 
Disch-DeClouet Social Service Center
432 Bank Ave.
New Iberia LA 70560

Distribution Taxes & IRA's

You may wish to talk to your tax adviser about the advantages of making IRA required minimum distributions directly to a charity to avoid distribution taxes. This is information only, not legal advice.